This post is part of a series. You might want to read Part One first if you haven’t already. And when you’re done here you might want to read Part Three.

In Part One I explained that I wanted a library that would parse *nix style options:

my-app --alpha foo --beta 1 --charlie

Into this:

SimpleArguments(alpha = "foo", beta = 1, charlie = true)

I also stated that I wanted to fall-back to case class defaults, but let’s ignore that requirement for now. Don’t panic! I will solve that in Part Three. As before, here’s my build.sbt file with shapeless and scalatest:

scalaVersion := "2.12.1"

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "2.3.2",
  "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.1" % "test"

And here’s my second attempt at a parser (I explain how it works below):

trait LabelledParser[A] {
  def parse(args: List[String]): A

object LabelledParser {
  import shapeless.LabelledGeneric
  import shapeless.{HList, HNil, ::}
  import shapeless.Lazy
  import shapeless.Witness
  import shapeless.labelled.FieldType
  import shapeless.labelled.field

  private def create[A](thunk: List[String] => A): LabelledParser[A] = {
    new LabelledParser[A] {
      def parse(args: List[String]): A = thunk(args)

  def apply[A](
    st: Lazy[LabelledParser[A]]
  ): LabelledParser[A] = st.value

  implicit def genericParser[A, R <: HList](
    generic: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
    parser: Lazy[LabelledParser[R]]
  ): LabelledParser[A] = {
    create(args => generic.from(parser.value.parse(args)))

  implicit def hlistParser[K <: Symbol, H, T <: HList](
    hParser: Lazy[LabelledParser[FieldType[K, H]]],
    tParser: LabelledParser[T]
  ): LabelledParser[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = {
    create { args =>
      val hv = hParser.value.parse(args)
      val tv = tParser.parse(args)
      hv :: tv

  implicit def stringParser[K <: Symbol](
    witness: Witness.Aux[K]
  ): LabelledParser[FieldType[K, String]] = {
    val name =
    create { args =>
      val arg = args.dropWhile(a => a != s"--$name").tail.head

  implicit def intParser[K <: Symbol](
    witness: Witness.Aux[K]
  ): LabelledParser[FieldType[K, Int]] = {
    val name =
    create { args =>
      val arg = args.dropWhile(a => a != s"--$name").tail.head.toInt

  implicit def booleanParser[K <: Symbol](
    witness: Witness.Aux[K]
  ): LabelledParser[FieldType[K, Boolean]] = {
    val name =
    create { args =>
      val arg = args.find(a => a == s"--$name").isDefined

  implicit val hnilParser: LabelledParser[HNil] = {
    create(args => HNil)

And a test that demonstrates the automatic type class derivation:

import org.scalatest.{MustMatchers, FlatSpec}

case class SimpleArguments(alpha: String, beta: Int, charlie: Boolean)

class LabelledParserSpec extends FlatSpec with MustMatchers {
  "LabelledParser::apply" must "derive a parser for SimpleArguments" in {
    val args = List("--alpha", "a", "--beta", "1", "--charlie")
    val parsed = LabelledParser[SimpleArguments].parse(args)
    parsed must be (SimpleArguments("a", 1, true))

Let’s start with the same methods as before, namely apply, genericParser and hlistParser:

def apply[A](
  st: Lazy[LabelledParser[A]]
): LabelledParser[A] = st.value

implicit def genericParser[A, R <: HList](
  generic: LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R],
  parser: Lazy[LabelledParser[R]]
): LabelledParser[A] = {
  create(args => generic.from(parser.value.parse(args)))

implicit def hlistParser[K <: Symbol, H, T <: HList](
  hParser: Lazy[LabelledParser[FieldType[K, H]]],
  tParser: LabelledParser[T]
): LabelledParser[FieldType[K, H] :: T] = {
  create(args => hParser.value.parse(args) :: tParser.parse(args))

The apply method here looks very similar to the apply method defined in Part One except we’re asking the compiler to look for a LabelledParser for some A now. Things start to look a little different when we examine the implicit parameters for genericParser. In particular, the compiler is asked to find a LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, R] instead of a Generic.Aux[A, R]. Other than that, however, the method declaration and definition look reasonably similar. What is the difference between Generic and LabelledGeneric? From the documentation:

LabelledGeneric is similar to Generic, but includes information about field names or class names in addition to the raw structure.

From that we can guess that the HList R in the genericParser method here is not the same as in Part One. This is because it must include information about field names in addition to the raw structure. We can check this intuition by looking at the return type of hlistParser which, as expected, states that the HList is made up of FieldTypes.

Let’s compare the above definition of hlistParser with the one from Part One. First, the type parameters H and T are the same as in Part One (except the latter will be a HList of FieldTypes). K is new and used to state that the field name of the FieldType must be a Symbol. Second, the Scala compiler now needs to find a head parser for FieldType[K, H] and a tail parser for T. This tells us that the definitions for primitive types e.g. String, Int, Boolean must also be different form their Part One counterparts (and if you read the full code you will see they are). Third, and finally, the tail parser now receives the same args as the head parser (as opposed to just the tail). This makes sense because the arguments could now be in any order.

Lets look at one of the new primitive type definitions. Here is the String parser definition:

implicit def stringParser[K <: Symbol](
  witness: Witness.Aux[K]
): LabelledParser[FieldType[K, String]] = {
  val name =
  create { args =>
    val arg = args.dropWhile(a => a != s"--$name").tail.head

The Witness is used to obtain the field name. The documentation for LabelledGeneric explains that a Witness is required, but I’m still not sure why Miles decided to separate them out (I’m sure there is a good reason):

Note that the representation does not include the labels! The labels are actually encoded in the generic type representation using Witness types.

In comparison, the field method is relatively straight forward and lets us return a FieldType[K, String] instead of a String. This pattern can and is (in the code above) repeated for each primitive type allowing the compiler to complete it’s derivation.

If you find yourself struggling with the type definitions then I recommend you read Part One and / or diff the code locally in your favourite text editor. In Part Three I show how to use Default to retrieve case class default values at compile time.

The code for Part Two is available on Github.